11月26日,“2020广东省制造业发展年会暨广东省制造业500强企业峰会”在中山隆重举行。本届大会以“推动制造业高质量发展——拥抱5G+工业互联网 抢抓国内大循环机遇”为主题,为广东制造业高质量发展助力赋能、建言献策。会上《2020年广东省制造业500强企业研发报告》和《“2020年广东省制造业企业500强”名单》同步发布,作为行业领先企业,广东澳美铝业荣列第245位,可喜可贺!
On 26th November, the " Annual Conference of Guangdong Manufacturing Industry Development and Guangdong Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises Summit" was held in Zhongshan.
With the theme of "Promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry & embracing the 5G+ industrial Internet and seizing the opportunities of the China's economic internal cycle", this conference will empower and provide suggestions for better development of Guangdong's manufacturing industry.
The "R&D Report on the 2020 Guangdong Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises" and the "2020 Guangdong Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises" list were released simultaneously, Press Metal International was ranked 245th.
Congratulations !
澳美铝业是由马来西亚上市公司Press metal Aluminium Holdings Berhad投资兴建的铝型材挤压及深加工应用企业,占地面积50多万平方米,是国家高新技术企业;拥有独立研发中心和CNAS认可国家认证实验室;专注于5、6、7系列合金研发及生产;产品广泛应用在海工船艇、交通轻量化、5G+3C消费电子、家居装饰、建筑等多个行业领域,备受国内外客户的认可。
PMI is an international aluminium extrusion and fabrication company which was founded by Press metal Aluminium Holdings Berhad, covers an area of more than 500,000 square meters. It is a national high-tech enterprise with an independent R&D center and a CNAS accredited national certification laboratory. Focusingon the R&D and production of 5, 6, and 7 series alloys; Products are used in marine engineering, lightweight of transportation, 5G + 3C consumer electronics, household , construction and so on, widely recognized by customers at home and abroad.